
e-learning Course on Airside Infrastructure


e-learning Course on Airside Infrastructure

e-learning Course on Airside Infrastructure This is a self-paced e-learning course which consists of following modules: Part-1 Objective Aerodrome reference Poi...

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Introduction to Air Transportation Systems


Introduction to Air Transportation Systems

Purpose of this Course

This is an introductory course on Air Transportation System

This course is meant for participants who are new to...

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Introduction to Airport Firefighting and Rescue Vehicle - e-Course


Introduction to Airport Firefighting and Resc...

The course will provide an overall knowledge on deciding the type and number of AFFRV required for an airport and important technical features.


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ICAO STP on Passenger Wayfinding - Signage (PWS) (Classroom Mode)


ICAO STP on Passenger Wayfinding - Signage (P...

Purpose of the Course: To prepare participants with the knowledge, skills and attitude required to plan , design and maintain passenger way-finding signage in c...

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