Purpose of the Course: This training provides participants with the necessary knowledge and skills to plan, develop, and implement a Safety Management System (SMS) and ensure on-going compliance with the ICAO Safety SARPs. Learning Objectives: Basic safety concepts Fundamentals of hazards and risks Components of SMS SMS and Safety Culture SMS planning and implementation SMS support tools SMS management processes SMS problems and solutions Case studies, group exercises and airside visit Target Population: For AAI -Junior Executives to Jt. GM all Cadres Ops/ATM/CNS/Civil/Electrical/planning For others- Middle management level personnel
Standard Course Fee:
for trainees from India, Nepal and Bhutan: INR 38000
for trainees from other countries : USD 180
for trainees from SAARC countries : USD 120
Additional Discount:
Available for more than one participants from one organization and participants from SAARC Countries.